
An Empowering 3-Day Women's Experience

Date - TBA

An Empowering 3-Day Women's Experience

Date - TBA

Register & Relish the Power of this Exciting 3-Day Women’s Weekend Experience!


A Women’s Retreat

Awaken the Goddess Within You

Goddess Garden Women's Retreat is a profound weekend experience for women to commune, embrace, and relish in the sacred power of the Divine Feminine. Together we explore how to balance and thrive in the most essential roles we play in our families, businesses, sensuality, sexuality, spirituality, community, and as graceful and powerful leaders in our emerging world.

If you're desiring greater SPARK in your relationships, businesses & life...the timing is perfect for you to join us.

Goddess Garden will guide you to...
  • Embody your Divine feminine power with grace
  • Honor your voice; express your Self with purpose, poise & confidence
  • Discover what is most sacred to you in relationships
  • Be present to create amazing, lasting connections in your life
  • Have clarity & understanding in choosing your life partner
  • Evoke deeper passion, intimacy & sensuality with your Lover
  • Attract loving, supportive relationships with women in sisterhood
  • Work with archetypes to invoke & embody the goddesses within you
  • Create space to transform fear, & heal pain, betrayal &/or separation
  • Love, revel & cherish the miracle of your body temple
  • Love & appreciate your Self more completely than ever before!
  • Experience absolute FUN, Sexiness & Playfulness!

What Women are Saying

Goddess Garden Women's Retreat Enriches Every Aspect of Life!

"After many years of diving deep into personal development, I felt like something was missing. I became very curious and started to crave spiritual nourishment rather than just more intellectual knowing.  I asked for guidance in this area and a few clicks on Google later, I found Niurka's Goddess Garden. I'm not exactly sure how to explain my experience there... Unlike anything I have ever experienced before...It cracked me open... Connected me on a deeper level with myself and the universe... Created more peacefulness, clarity, confidence and courage. Transformed me in a way that set my soul on fire... I left there an evolved human. Oh, and did I mention the wonderful community? Niurka is surrounded by fabulous people and I'm proud to be in the circle. I loved Goddess Garden so much, I will be coming back to enjoy again."

Crystal Rose Harvey


Crystal Rose Harvey

"After many years of diving deep into personal development, I felt like something was missing. I became very curious and started to crave spiritual nourishment rather than just more intellectual knowing.  I asked for guidance in this area and a few clicks on Google later, I found Niurka's Goddess Garden. I'm not exactly sure how to explain my experience there... Unlike anything I have ever experienced before...It cracked me open... Connected me on a deeper level with myself and the universe... Created more peacefulness, clarity, confidence and courage. Transformed me in a way that set my soul on fire... I left there an evolved human. Oh, and did I mention the wonderful community? Niurka is surrounded by fabulous people and I'm proud to be in the circle. I loved Goddess Garden so much, I will be coming back to enjoy again."
"In 2016, I went to Goddess Garden. I'd never done anything like this. I'd never even tapped fully into my body as an adult, and I definitely had no idea what to expect. I was insecure, scared, and determined to sit back and just observe. I walked in on the 1st day and C R I E D because I was so nervous. I told my best friend (that had brought me on this trip) that I absolutely was not going to make it through a weekend like this. In my eyes, everyone around me seemed confident, tuned into their bodies, sexy. Fast forward to 2018. I coming back to Goddess Garden with my best friend. Having to pick out outfits that I loved last time sounded like T O R T U R E, NOW I am Excited to Honor my Body with things I love and adore!" 

Kristin Rudd


Kristin Rudd

"In 2016, I went to Goddess Garden. I'd never done anything like this. I'd never even tapped fully into my body as an adult, and I definitely had no idea what to expect. I was insecure, scared, and determined to sit back and just observe. I walked in on the 1st day and C R I E D because I was so nervous. I told my best friend (that had brought me on this trip) that I absolutely was not going to make it through a weekend like this. In my eyes, everyone around me seemed confident, tuned into their bodies, sexy. Fast forward to 2018. I coming back to Goddess Garden with my best friend. Having to pick out outfits that I loved last time sounded like T O R T U R E, NOW I am Excited to Honor my Body with things I love and adore!" 

"How I attracted my soulmate"

"Gave me rapid success in my business"

"After Goddess Garden, I am more confident"

"It totally transformed how I feel about sisterhood"

"Transform a limiting belief"

"An experience every woman should have"

"For the first time in my life I knew I was meant to be a mother"

"It deepened the relationship with the women in my life"


"I can see the beauty within me"


Embark on a glorious journey into the realm of the divine feminine. Enter a cocoon that recognizes & embraces the fullness of who you are as an awake & empowered woman.

If you or any woman you know is...
  • Desiring greater clarity or transformation in relationship/s
  • Envisioning building a successful business through her unique talents
  • Seeking deeper authentic relationships with amazing women
  • Wishing for greater intimacy with her Lover
  • Ready to gracefully step into purpose, power & mastery
  • Wanting to experience greater Self expression & radical Self love
  • Intending to make a significant contribution in our world
  • Yearning to let her hair down, wild side out & have more fun!

Give yourself and the women in your life the unique gift of these 3 empowering days. Goddess Garden Women's Retreat will guide you to heal, let go, be free, play, protect, grow, love, manifest, triumph & embody your soul’s potential.


Goddess Garden meals  have been consciously crafted by Niurka herself & correspond to the 7 Classical Planets we explore (Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter), representing archetypal forces within Nature.

The delightful & decadent Aphrodite’s Feast & Kali Ma's Deliciously Dark Descending Dinner are experiences to look forward to where we'll enjoy & nourish relationships with conversation, connection & sisterhood.

