create the life you desire And deserve


A Monthly Membership to GROW YOUR MINDSET and SKILLS to Create A Life of Success and Fulfillment.


A Membership to Live with Purpose, Poise & Power

Manifestors Alliance

What would happen if you had the Mindset and Strategies to Embody Radiant Health, Joy, Loving Relationships, Success, Prosperity, Meaningful Contribution and More?

"When You Change, The World Around You Changes –
You Have That Much Power!"


MANIFESTORS ALLIANCE is a Monthly Membership Program to EMPOWER You with the Knowledge, Tools, Resources and Accountability to Create the Life You are Truly Meant to Live.

Every month we’ll focus on a NEW TOPIC, and you’ll receive wisdom and strategies to…

Clarify Your Ultimate Vision

Embody Your Unique Purpose

Take Focused, Inspired Action

Learn from & Remove Obstacles

Integrate New Discoveries & Grow

Fulfill Your Highest Destiny

Inspire & Empower Others Along the Way

Be part of a conscious community committed to live our BEST lives.

What Blocks Us

From Rising To Our Next Level of Success & Fulfillment?


Self Doubt, or Fears

Not Feeling Good Enough

Lack of Clear Vision

Lack of Purpose & Direction

Asking the Wrong Questions

Distractions, or Lack of Focus

Feeling Resistance, or Holding Back

Being stuck in the Past 

Limiting Beliefs about What’s Possible

Old Ingrained Habits

Negativity, or Insecurities

Judgements, or Criticism (of Self & Others)

Lack of Coherence: thoughts & feelings are not aligned

Lack of Confidence


Lack of Enthusiasm to Take Inspired Action

BREAK FREE of Any and ALL Blocks to Manifestation…

… REGISTER NOW for this Monthly Membership!!!

WHY you need this

and WHY you need this now?

Because YOU Deserve to Live Your BEST Life!

When you’re Living Your Best Life you are empowered to make a meaningful difference.

You’re empowered to contribute at a high-level that creates real positive change.

But the problem is… too many people are reacting to “what is” (i.e., the challenges of their life and our world) rather than seeing through “what is” into what could be, and what is to become.

This is a Call To Action – to own your power to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

To transform external circumstances that don’t match your genuine desires (whether it’s your bank account, your physical body, your business, a relationship dynamic, or anything else that has challenged you), and instead MANIFEST Your Vision into Reality. Don’t accept anything less!

You are destined to Accomplish Extraordinary Results! That’s why you are here.

Your thoughts matter.
Your goals and dreams matter.
You have immense value.

But how often do you have a desire that you just can’t seem to manifest?

How often do you feel stuck instead of empowered and ready?

And what does that cost you? I don’t just mean financially. I mean in every area of life.

It’s time to own your CREATIVE POWERS… not tomorrow or some time in the future. The TIME IS NOW! It’s time to go beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before.

It’s time to step into your purpose with power, and demolish anything that keeps you in the shadows.

That’s what our monthly membership is all about…
YOU Receiving Tools & Strategies to Sculpt Your Dream Life.
YOU Becoming a Beacon of Light who Supports Others Along the Way.
YOU Fulfilling Your Highest Destiny.


Every month, we’ll explore a new topic – through live teachings, guided visualizations, hands-on coaching, interactive Q & A sessions, special guest appearances, integrational assignments and fun breakout room sessions – that will enrich your life and results.

At the completion of each month, you’ll walk away with renewed clarity, confidence, and new skills so you naturally take inspired action to manifest your biggest dreams.

What Members Are Saying...

"Direct Contact Has Been A Gift"
"I Always Learn Something!"
"It's Moved Me Along In My Journey"
"It's My Anchor Every Week"
"Really Powerful"
"I went from being stuck & frustrated in my job to --> being promoted & becoming a transformational coach!"

Select Your Membership Level

MA Membership
VIP Annual
Monthly Teaching with Niurka: 60 min.
Integral Power Practice Homework PDF’s

Special Guest Session

Special Guest Session REPLAYS
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
Q&A Session & Hands-On Coaching: 90 min.

Guided Exercises / Visualizations -OR- Monthly Breakout Sessions

Guided Exercise/ Visualizations OR Breakout Session REPLAYS
VIP Library Vault
Special Discounts: Courses
Special Discounts: Products
Monthly Raffle
Discount on Annual Membership

Meet Your Manifestation Coach

Is to Empower You to
MANIFEST Your Vision

So YOU Can
Be Happy And Confidently Bring Your Gifts into
Our World
With Purpose, Poise & Power
And Serve Those Who are Craving Your Visionary Leadership

NOW Is The Time to OWN Your Identity as a MANIFESTOR!

For over two decades NIURKA has been creating and leading transformational experiences that empower and enrich people’s businesses, relationships, and lives.

She’s guided hundreds of thousands of people to elevate the way they think, speak, and live.

Niurka launched her company in 2000 with a vision of inspiring social transformation through inner evolution. She has customized training curriculums for many of the most powerful companies on the planet who have produced world-record-breaking results by applying her teachings.

Prior to launching her company, she worked side-by-side with Tony Robbins, the world renowned authority on leadership psychology, as his legendary #1 corporate trainer.

See What Others Are Saying
Niurka is an incredible teacher"
“I strongly believe that the most important investment you can make is an investment in yourself. Niurka is an incredible teacher, guide, and an incredibly giving human being. She guides you through these incredible insights into how you are you and how you can become even more...and unleash the power that's inside you that's waiting to come out, that the world desperately needs... She provides the environment for you to really step into your power and become the amazing human being that you're meant to be."

Alfonso Posada

Niurka is the ONLY teacher who has moved me to a transformation"
Having worked with many teachers over 25 years Niurka is the ONLY teacher who has moved me to a transformation. Niurka is powerful, intuitive, engaging, in a no nonsense yet loving way, guide who transforms lives. I have witnessed miracles in her workshops. People who are closed and quiet blossom into a force of supreme strength, shedding their mask of fear and doubt, and stepping into the true self. Their lives will never be the same."

Catherine Fithian

Sales Professional
Dramatic improvement… every single year!”
"It’s been a dramatic improvement, somewhere in the range of 10 – 20% every single year ever since we started working with Niurka. I’ve sat through her training personally, and I would personally recommend her to anyone who wants to get better in life. There’s no question – it’s of great value."

Garth Blumenthal

Dealer Principal & General Manager, Mercedes-Benz
The real deal!"
"The real deal! Can’t appreciate her work enough. THANK YOU!"

Courtney Atkinson

Top Producing Real Estate Professional
The work I did with Niurka had a major ripple effect, not only for me, but my family!"
"The work I did with Niurka had a major ripple effect, not only for me, but my family! Since her courses my entire mind, body & spirit has been REBORN! It INFUSED me with the Fire, Drive, and Passion that I'd long forgotten about. I have more energy, excitement for life, and as a business is BOOMING! All the obstacles and challenges my husband and I faced are RESOLVING! Thank you to the one and only Niurka & her crew!"

Dr. Carolyn Griffin

She transformed people’s lives right in front of us!”
“Niurka is an authentic, powerful woman who genuinely cares for her fellow humans. She transformed people's lives right in front of us! And so generously shared all the tools we needed to take her teachings home with us."

Laurie Leigh

Restaurant Owner
Mesmerizing and Transformational!"
“Amazing, powerful, dynamic, and inspiring. Her presence is mesmerizing, her message transformational. An absolute must for anyone committed to mastery."

James Hardy

So grateful and appreciate her gift"
"It was like I learned how to read, hear, and see for the first time, and be present in the moment, every moment. So grateful and appreciate her gift"

Allana Pratt

Intimacy Expert
Her teaching style allows you to learn more… faster than you'd think possible."
"I love the mix of science, spirituality, and positivity! Her teaching style allows you to learn more… faster than you'd think possible. Plus, who else can you listen to for 5 days in a row and never get bored?"

Kent Hardenbrook

Niurka’s courses are amazing"
"One of the best mentors I have worked with! And I have worked with a lot. Niurka’s courses are amazing and have me on a new path aligned with my purpose."

Melissa Cecchine

I couldn't have had this breakthrough without Niurka’s incredible training, support, and inspiration"
"4 Closings this week! I just broke through a sales production goal that I've had my entire real estate career! I couldn't have had this breakthrough without the incredible training, support, and inspiration I've received from my guide, mentor, teacher and communications coach extraordinaire Niurka!"

Janis Hartley

Real Estate Professional
By leading experts in their industries
“Niurka is a Star! She knows how to create consistent, outstanding results.”
TONY ROBBINSWorld Renowned Life & Business Strategist

“Niurka takes you to the root (CORE) of what it means to be authentic. She sets before you a rich banquet of wise choices for manifesting your highest potential. Her artful mix of methods is a wondrous investigation into the source and importance of how to uncover your innate strength, confidence, and joy under all of life's circumstances.”

MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITHNew Thought Leader, Author, Founder & Spiritual Director of Agape International Spiritual Center
“I have been around all the greats in the speaking world for over 32 years. Niurka is the answer for anyone committed to create transformation in an organization and in their life.”
DON HOBBSCEO/Founder, Real Estate Industry Leader, Motivational Keynote Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Author, Former President of Success Magazine

“I want to salute Niurka for being a leader in this profession; and the world, and the most amazing and powerful friend I have. She’s a pinnacle of an entrepreneur showing us what’s possible and how we need to show up in the world.”

MARINA WORRECEO, Network Marketing Pro Owner, World’s Best Interactive Virtual Studios
“You’re the next generation to carry it forward. I’m going to follow you. I’m going to listen and learn from everything you continue to do.”
DENIS WAITLEYLegendary Motivational Speaker; Best Selling Author: Psychology of Winning; inducted into the International Speakers Hall of Fame
“Niurka provides concrete guidance on how to create an exceptional life through power of language. Her story and expertise offers us a road-map for our own spiritual growth and personal development.”
GABBY BERNSTEIN#1 New York Times Best Selling Author & Spirit Junkie

“ONE Person’s Awakening Elevates
The Consciousness Of The Planet –
YOU Are The ONE!”


Select Your Membership Level

MA Membership
VIP Annual
Monthly Teaching with Niurka: 60 min.
Integral Power Practice Homework PDF’s

Special Guest Session

Special Guest Session REPLAYS
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
Q&A Session & Hands-On Coaching: 90 min.

Guided Exercises / Visualizations -OR- Monthly Breakout Sessions

Guided Exercise/ Visualizations OR Breakout Session REPLAYS
VIP Library Vault
Special Discounts: Courses
Special Discounts: Products
Monthly Raffle
Discount on Annual Membership