9 Step Formula To Create & Deliver Dynamic Presentations

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No matter how compelling your subject, the audience only embraces the message to the degree you present it authentically, clearly, dynamically, and credibly.

How many times have you heard a speaker that puts you to sleep? Or maybe you left a presentation entertained, but it didn’t translate into significant, measurable results, in your business or life. That’s why it’s important to have a strategy to craft and deliver your presentation with purpose, poise, and power, so people are inspired to listen and take action toward a well-defined vision.

Present with Purpose, Poise, & Power

By understanding a few simple steps, you can focus your energy to deliver dynamic and influential presentations, leaving your audience  inspired, entertained, and genuinely motivated.

Also, these same simple steps can be applied to inspire your team, clients, colleagues… and even your friends and family, to create win-win scenarios.

Are you ready? Before I give you the steps, there are a few prerequisites to ensure they work.

How strongly do you believe in your message? Why is it important? How committed are you to your cause? Are you On Purpose? Are you passionate? Have you done your research? Are you fully educated on your topic? Have you practiced?

Your audience will champion your vision to the extent you are congruent, and know what you’re talking about.

When you are genuinely passionate about your topic, others will be too. Remember, you can’t give somebody something that you don’t already have. When you know your subject inside and out, and you use this 9-step formula to organize your teaching, you will speak with authority, every time. Whether you are speaking in front of a room, or across the dinner table, these 9 steps will ensure you speak with confidence:

9 Steps to Create & Deliver Dynamic Presentations
1. Powerfully Prepare To Take The Stage

Before you take the stage… Realize that the same life force breathing you is breathing every being in that room. Recognize the unity flowing through your presentation space. Your heart and each audience members’ heart is animated by the same Life Force. In this space of expanded awareness, inhale a deep rejuvenating breath, elongate your spine, open up your heart center, and DECLARE your purpose accomplished. Then powerfully take the stage…

2. Know Your Audience, Connect, & Create Instantaneous Rapport

Different audiences require different opening approaches. You wouldn’t open a presentation to a Wall Street audience in the same manner as you would a Mary Kay audience. You wouldn’t open a presentation to 10 people in the same way you would address 5,000.

Bottom line… know your audience. Understand what is most important to them. What key words will spark their interest, and speak into their listening?

Be present to what the audience has been experience prior to your your arrival. Tune in to the energy in the room. Match the vibration for a moment so you’re in resonance, then powerfully lead the charge in the direction you’re inspired to go. This is called… mirroring & matching…. and…. pacing & leading. (I teach this strategy in detail in my advanced course SIIA).

3. What?

Briefly and clearly state your topic and intention. Today I AM inspired to share ________________ with you. Let the audience know right away what they will be learning from you. Ask their commitment to participate and Play Full Out!!! Remind them that what they receive from this presentation (as in life) will mirror what they put in.

4. Why?

Illuminate why this topic is essential to them. Be specific. Share stories, give examples, quote experts, and offer statistics that illuminate WHY your message is relevant and imperative. Don’t just communicate with you words… use  your physiology (body language), and fluctuate your tonality to draw them in. You can state a vital point intensely… and then soften into a whisper. Like a virtuoso pianist… use the full range of your communication powers. Do not move on to the next stage until the audience is infused with a strong why – this ensures they’re on the edge of their seat… listening, and that you are on the same page.

5. BIG What?

Now that your audience is connected with you, knows the topic, and is inspired with a compelling why, teach them what specifically you intend for them to learn or discover. This should be direct and simple.

6. How?

Explain how to practically apply this wisdom, in business, life, or any other applicable context. What are the specific steps that they should take? This is a perfect time to use infographics, perform a live demonstration, and/or guide the audience through a hands-on exercise.

7. What If?

Now its time to make it real for them. Give specific examples. Pose scenarios in which your lesson will be useful. You can also take audience questions here, just make sure you are clear that you will only take questions that are specifically about this topic (otherwise you’ll go off point and loose your power).

8. Irresistible Offer & Call To Action.

Make sure your offer is clear, compelling, and that there is a specific Call To Action that inspires them to move forward to the next level, such as invest in a product or service, enroll in a course, offer their contact information, or any step you envision mutually beneficial.

Never (with rare exception) have more than two main offers, because it will confuse people and they’ll get paralysis by overwhelm. Also, it’s wise to subtly plant seeds throughout your presentation (at peak moments) that inspire the audience to discover more 😉

9. Conclusion

Thank your audience for being with you, and for Playing Full Out!!! Graciously honor your host.

This framework will ensure that you speak into the listening of various learning styles. For example, some people learn more visually, others learn more auditory (by hearing), and others learn more kinesthetically (by doing). By following the 9-Steps to Dynamic Presentations, all the learning styles are recognized, honored, and empowered.

Once you craft your presentation, rehearse it in your mind. See yourself successfully delivering the presentation to your audience in consciousness. Make the colors big, bright, crisp, and clear. Be sure to rehearse it right before going to sleep… because then your mind will integrate it – all night long – while your body rests.

Remember…One person’s awakening elevates the consciousness of the planet — You are the one!

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  1. YOU are a perfect example Niurka, of delivering a presentation with Purpose, Poise and Power! Your presentation delivery was one of the keys that attracted me to you and your work when I first came across you at a business seminar. Thank you for this presentation framework! It’s a valuable tool in so many scenarios. From the stage… to the dinner table… even to giving a toast at a wedding 🙂 Sending you much Love!

  2. Thank you Niurka. Many years ago you spoke at a “Yes Network” with Jeffry Michaels in Detroit, MI. That is where I first saw you. I purchased your CD package, and have listened to them many times. A comment you made has stuck with me and I share it always, “the answer is in the Question” I am now currently working on my own online course with Musical Mindset. You have given me a strong beginning with my own mindset, and I plan on sharing all mindset ideas into a musical world to help Sweet Adelines prepare mentally for their contest performances.

    1. How Wonderful Peggi! Thanks for sharing ; ) Many blessings w/ your online course. Keep me posted of your successes. Inspired to see you again soon…

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