The Ambrosial Hour: A Time of Spiritual Awakening

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In the stillness of the early morning, before the sun rises over the horizon, there exists a sacred window of time that the mystics call: the Ambrosial Hour. 

A time when the veil between the physical and spiritual world is at its thinnest, offering us a remarkable gateway to attune with the Divine, and our Higher Self.

The Ambrosial Hour, often referred to in ancient texts as "Brahma Muhurta," is the window approximately one and a half hours before sunrise, a portal where the Divine whispers secrets that are revealed to those attuned to such frequencies and open to receive. 

The Golden Hour Before Dawn: A Pilgrimage to the Summit of Lempuyang Temple in Bali

To experience the power of the Ambrosial Hour, we embarked on a pilgrimage to Lempuyang, the highest temple in Bali. Waking at 2 am, I led my group of students as we ventured into the predawn darkness. 1,700 uneven steps were before us, but the promise of what awaited at the summit fueled our devotion.

In the stillness of the night, with offerings and prayers, wearing our white ceremonial clothing, we trekked with the Manku (a balinese name for priest).

As we climbed higher, the world seemed to dissolve into a mystical realm. A thick, ethereal fog enveloped the mountain, and the sky began to blush with hues of pink. It was as if nature orchestrated a transcendental space for our spiritual evolution.

Reaching the summit, we arrived at a celestial gate. 

Reaching the summit, we arrived at a celestial gate at 5:55amAs we crossed the threshold, I looked at my phone. The time was 5:55 a.m. 

I took a screenshot, cherishing this magic moment. 

Feeling a sense of awe and wonder, I remembered a treasured memory. In 2019, I brought a group on this pilgrimage, and we too entered this holy gate at precisely 5:55 am

Ceremony In The Inner Sanctum of Lempuyang Temple

There we were, in the pink twilight, in the inner sanctum of Lempuyang Temple, preparing to begin the ceremony together. 

Here is a glimpse (with no filters)

The air was cool and crisp. It was the dawning of a new day. With devotion, the priest prepared the incense, flowers and holy water, as we sat in meditation.

The Power of Sunrise Prayer in a Holy Land

The priest rang the Genta (ceremonial bell). Its vibration signifies the unification of the three realms — heavenly, human, and lower dimensions attuned in Divine Order. A symbol of connecting our prayers to the Almighty.

Invoking through mantra, and lifting our hands to the heavens, our prayer began, with reverence, to the Supreme God.

As the sun rose over the mountains, the sound of the mantras blended with the singing of the birds awakening to the glory of this new day. 

We completed the prayers, then began a purification ceremony.

With the rising of the sun came a revitalized sense of purpose, a reminder of the transformative power and spiritual awakening that can be found in these sacred moments.

Holy Water from the Bamboo: An Auspicious Sign

On top of this mountain there are bamboo trees infused with the energy of prayer. 

The final steps of the ceremony include the priest cutting a bamboo stalk with the intention of sourcing holy water for our final blessing. 

For some who embark on this quest, the bamboo is dry. There is no water within it, which the Balinese consider “unlucky.”

But for us, it was filled with abundant bamboo water. I am blessed to share, every time that I have brought a group on this EPIC sacred adventure of a lifetime to Bali, we have always been blessed with holy water in the bamboo, and so it was on this auspicious day.

Bonding on A Spiritual Adventure in the Land of 1 Million Temples

In the stillness of morning, feeling bonded on this timeless spiritual adventure, we took a picture together, thanked the priest, and began our trek down the mountain.


On the way down we laughed together, as we watched the monkeys stealing the bananas from the offerings, and howling in mischievous joy. 

Carrying Holy Water Down The Mountain: A Devotional Practice

One of my beloved students, who we affectionately call “The Dragon Warrior, aka: Kung Fu Panda” devoutly carried the Holy Water on his head down the 1,700 uneven steps for the rest of our group who awaited our arrival at the base of the temple to also receive blessings.

Here is our group at the Gates of Heaven at Lempuyang Temple on our Bali Sacred Adventure of a Lifetime in 2024.

Bali - Holy Water

Here’s the group I brought on this EPIC Spiritual Adventure in 2019.

Gates of Heaven - Bali Sacred Adventure With Niurka 2019

Join Me for an EPIC Sacred Adventure of a Lifetime to Bali

If you feel called to embark on an EPIC spiritual adventure to the land of 1 million temples CLICK HERE to discover more about this once-in-a-lifetime journey.

Bali - Sacred Adventure With Niurka

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  1. What I know is what I experienced is beyond what any words can describe. This was a deep, moving and emotional experience in a fairy tale mist. When Niurka states an epic adventure of a lifetime its words. What the totality of this trip was for me was release. Release from words which constrict the human experience. Thank you Niurka and Bobi for your vision and efforts making this possible in ways no tourist (and most Balinese people) will ever witness.

  2. I had an idea that is adventure will be amazing….little did I know how epic this is still unfolding and will be unfolding and revealing insights even more!!!! Deep immersion into culture, prayer and my own being!!!
    Go to Bali with Niurka!!! Bali the Supreme Way💕

  3. I have been getting up before dawn . Since I was a teenager. It’s a gift ! I get more done by 10am. Than some people do all day. . Amen.

  4. New Knowledge is gained from the heavens. The Key is applying knowledge and sharing you when back in USA. Got to love monkeys.

  5. Thanks for sharing! I hoped to go one day! 5:55 am is an interesting time….I distinctly remember sitting in class in Vancouver in 2018 and looking out the window once at 5:55 pm…and got the impression that a decision of certainty was made. These numbers in this setup make me think of an arrow and the arrow going through the numbers straight.
    Anyway, I enjoyed looking at the clips! The pink sky looked super nice 🙂 Niurka seemed to really embody the goddess energy, or looks supremely happy.

  6. This trek of culture and devotion that Niurka leads to the top of Lempuyang temple at the ambrosial hour is truly an enlightening and impactful opportunity. It’s intriguing to hear the unique, empowering and spiritual experiences of those who go on this trek.

  7. This was the most sacred, spiritual, powerful, insightful experience of my life—one in which I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life! I am so grateful for such an incredible experience and for all the beautiful souls whom I’ve met & got to know on this trip!
    Thank you, Niurka and Bobi, for orchestrating an amazing experience of a lifetime! 🙏😇🙏

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