8 Ways To Communicate With Greater Purpose, Poise & Power Than Ever Before To Inspire Understanding & Action

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When you “speak” and communicate, there are Infinite Possibilities of what you could say. There are limitless ways to describe your experience.

And…speaking isn’t just about vocalizing thoughts.

You speak in many ways. Your body language speaks volumes. You communicate with your thoughts and imaginings. Sometimes what you don’t say speaks louder than what you do say.

From moment-to-moment…YOU are communicating (with others, and yourself).

This is Important because….
Your Results and Quality of Life Mirror your Communication.

That’s Right…

You Create as You Speak! Your word has that much power. When you speak – you literally speak into existence – and every cell in your body aligns with what you declare.


Enjoy reading and practicing these…

8 Keys To Communicate With Greater Purpose, Poise & Power Than Ever Before To Inspire Understanding & Action


1. BE Accountable For How Your Communication Is Received

How You present and frame Your communication determines the response you get.

Consider…two people can make a similar request, but, one is met with resistance, while the other is welcomed. What’s the difference?

Embrace this tenet:  

My communication is the response I get. It’ll support you in communicating wisely.

Inspire Authentic Rapport


2. Honor Your Self

Before you speak, listen to the wisdom of your body. Are you feeling resistance or flow?

Do not allow circumstances or people to pressure you into responding hastily because you will lose your center and give away your power.

If you feel anything less than clear, or at least neutral, pause – inhale and exhale. Be silent; go for a walk. Ask yourself, what is the highest choice?


3. Know Your Intent

Prior to entering a meeting, ask yourself – what is my intent? What’s the greatest outcome for everyone involved?

Know Your Intent

See your intent accomplished in your mind, without attachment to how specifically it will show up.

When you are clear on the highest intent, you don’t get sucked into other people’s agendas, which may or may not be aligned with your purpose and core values. Clarity is power!


4.  Honor The Other – No Matter What

Honor Yourself & Others

Making someone wrong, or trying to be right does not support your position – or the bigger picture – as a genuine leader.

Regardless of whether you agree with someone or not, it’s essential to honor their map of the world – if you intend to communicate effectively with them. This inspires rapport; it allows you to easily gather information and understand their perspective, which supports in creating Win-Win scenarios and agreements.


5. Activate Your Physiology

Be mindful of your movements and body language.

When I worked alongside Tony Robbins many years ago, he would say, “Motion creates emotion.” In other words, how you move influences how you feel, and how you communicate.

Therefore, sit or stand up tall. Elongate your spine. Bring your shoulders back; raise your head high. Lengthen your body. Inhale a deep rejuvenating breath and exhale.

Step Into Your Power with Grace


6. Live Curiously – Ask Questions

Questions open portals into previously unimagined realms. Your business, relationships, and life will mirror the quality of the questions you ask. Questions direct your focus. They determine the opportunities you perceive, the resources you attract and the results you produce in a field of infinite possibility.

Get curious… What have you been asking? What are your questions revealing about you?

The Power of Questions


7. Flexibility is Power

Being flexible means you go with the flow. If you encounter resistance, change your approach.

When you are fluid, like water, there is not one terrain through which you could not travel. You navigate conversations and negotiations with elegance and grace.

Consider – the most flexible person in any interaction is the influencing factor.


8. Honor Silence

Honor Silence. It’s the silence (the space) between the notes that makes epic music.

Similarly, in communication, calculated pauses are just as important as choosing words wisely.

When you speak, give others (and the universe) an opportunity to respond, while you listen and curiously observe.


These are just a few of the many insights you’ll discover and receive – along with awesome exercises and customized scripts – when you say YES! to joining me in Los Angeles on Saturday, October 6th for a full day event!!! Tickets are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE for a Limited Time for Only $97.

Reserve Your Seat at: www.SupremeInfluence.com

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  1. “My communication is the response I get.” I remember you saying this and it has really stuck with me! Love it.

  2. Thank you. I’v been working on my delivery for some – time ! I’m already 60 an truly want to learn more of what you teach. My intention is to take this course!

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