ATTUNING INTO YOUR HEART: Which is leading you… your Head OR your HEART?

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Today, as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, I’m moved to share a story about attuning into your heart through a profound meditation that touched the very core of my being. This meditation blasted open my heart and ignited a profound awakening within me — to such a degree — that I felt like I was in heaven on earth. It sparked a riveting “Satori,” which is a Japanese term for a moment of “instant awakening. ”Here’s the story…

Years ago, I felt called to go to the red rocks of Sedona, and sit in meditation for 5 days with a fascinating spiritual teacher who guided me to uncover and work with aspects of my psyche that I was unaware of… up until that moment. 

This meditation was intense! We wore “mind-folds,” which are special blindfolds that block out all photons of light so we could go deeply into the meditative state — for 5 full days!!!


During the process, I experienced a radical self discovery!

I realized that I have a laboratory in my head🧠, and a temple in my heart❤️ — and how I experience “reality” is very different depending on where my mind was focused.   

The Laboratory in my Head is sharp, penetrating, polarizing, logical, calculating, strategic, divided. If it had a symbol, it would be the sword.

The Temple in my Heart is open, welcoming, receiving, nurturing, compassionate, loving, whole. Its symbol is the chalice

The question becomes… who is leading? The head, or the heart?

During this spiritual adventure, I came to realize that the most powerful way to live is to have a clear, devoted mind serving a wise, awakened heart.

This has been a spiritual journey and practice for me because my past tendency was to be in my head, rather than live through the wisdom of the heart. Can you relate?

Attuning into your Heart is THE KEY to your Peace of mind and Fulfillment.


Right now, my heart is overflowing with joy to connect with you. On this Valentine’s day, I invite you to tune in to the wisdom of your beautiful heart.

❤️Your loving heart

❤️Your wise and compassionate heart 

❤️Your innocent heart 

❤️Your brave and courageous heart

❤️Your passionate heart

❤️Your devoted heart

❤️Your open heart

Place your hands on your heart right now. Say your name out loud. Then, say, “I LOVE YOU.” 

This teaching and practice of attuning into our hearts, is so relevant in these challenging times, when “leaders” are invoking chaos, and speaking of “civil wars.” The root-cause of war is being dissociated from the heart, and anchored into a polarized state of mind that is shackled in fear, and mired in misapprehension. 

So many of the problems we face in society today are symptoms of the fragmented human psyche, disconnected from the heart, and being projected onto the canvas of life.


The key, my dear friends, is… this is not an outside game; it’s an inner game. 

Everything we experience in the “outside world” is a reflection of human consciousness.

A great leader once said, “When the hearts and minds of people know peace, the world will know peace. There is no peace in the land, without peace in the hearts and minds of the people.”

Attuning into your Heart

As each of us returns home to wholeness, we become models of possibility that inspire others through our clear, present example. 

After decades of guiding profound life-changing transformational courses, I’ve realized that understanding the psyche is one of the most important keys to unlocking the shackles that bind us individually, and transforming the problems that affect us collectively. 

In these strange times, where chaos appears to reign and fear grips the collective consciousness, the wisdom of our hearts becomes not just a personal journey; it’s THE Portal of Hope for Humanity. 

As we stand at the crossroads of uncertainty, remember, it’s within the sanctuary of our hearts temple that we access peace, within ourselves first, then bring this peace into every aspect of our existence. 


Let’s journey inward with courage and love, knowing that each step we take towards wholeness has a profound ripple effect, creating waves of transformation far beyond our imagining. 


For decades, I have embarked on Spiritual Adventures around the world, like this one in Sedona. Originally, these journeys were my own private practice, but years ago, my beloved advanced students inspired me to take them on an EPIC Spiritual Adventure of a Lifetime to a mystical holy land… Bali, my second home.

Would you like to embark on a heart-centered spiritual journey with me? 

I’m inviting you to Come With Me To Bali — the land of 1,000,000 temples — this August 5-13th.

We’ll be together in an intimate setting, on a magical land, enjoying a meticulously curated experience of spirituality, luxury, and adventure. It will usher in the most profound awakening beyond anything you could ever imagine, creating rich memories that you will cherish forever.

Click the 6-min. video below to catch a glimpse of this EPIC Spiritual Adventure.


If you feel a calling in your heart to come with me… Listen To The Call. Take Action Now because we only have a few seats left. 

As a Valentine’s Gift, use the special code: VALENTINES-BALI2024

Email my amazing Supreme Team at and ask: “How do I come to Bali with Niurka?”

BALI - Sacred Adventure of A Lifetime Attuning into your Heart

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  1. This is beautiful! What a fascinating 5 days to be awakened and given such a gift. Thank you for sharing this. Happy Valentine’s Day! So grateful for you!

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