Stories have power to awaken your heart, mind and soul.
They can shift your perception.
Enjoy this short story with insights for you and your evolution. 🙂
There Once Was A Wise Old Man
There once was an old man who sat outside the walls of a great city.
When travelers approached, they would ask…
“What kind of people live in this city?”
The old man would answer…
“What kind of people live in the place where you came from?”
If the travelers answered…
“Terrible people live in the place where we came from.”
The man would reply…
“Continue on. You will only find terrible people here.”
But if the travelers answered…
“Wonderful people live in the place where we came from.”
Then the old man would say…
“Enter, for here too you will find wonderful people.”
Remember this…
PERCEPTION is Projection.
What (and how) have YOU been perceiving?
What you PERCEIVE in the world around you is reflecting something back to you – about YOU.
This is AWESOME news! 🙂 It means…
When You Change… The World Around You Changes.
As my dear friend Michael Beckwith says…
“You don’t describe what you see; you see what you describe.”
The wise old man in the story knew that people have a tendency to respond based on past experiences and expectations — until they Wake Up.
To state this scientifically… Neurological associations in the brain cause us to repeatedly look for what we’ve always seen, even if the situation before us is new.
The Awesome News is…you have power to TRANSFORM neuro-associations that no longer serve you into neuro-associations that do!
How…you may be wondering?
I’ll show you how, step-by-step, on Saturday, October 6th (10 a.m. – 6 p.m. PST) in L.A., at my 1-day event SUPREME INFLUENCE.
Come be with me for this Epic day of Discovery. I’ll reveal how you can literally “re-code” bad habits like “procrastination, stress or negativity” and step into your purpose and power to… Create Your Life By Design.
Here’s the scoop…
I’m inspired to be with you soon. 🙂
There’s so much we can accomplish together!
To your success and with Supreme LOVE,
P.S. Remember to connect with me in the comments section of my blog, you’ll enjoy the articles I’ve posted recently. Also connect with me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. There’s so much power in our conversation. 🙂
P.P.S. Once a year I lead my most transformational course – NeoGenesis, an intimate journey within that guides you to create a “New Beginning” in your life. The symbol of NEO is the mythical Phoenix, representing your TRANSFORMATION. We still have a few seats available. Use the special code NEO-NOW for 20% off your tuition.
Enjoy this short story on…
The Legend of the Phoenix: Insight for Your Journey of Personal Transformation.
P.P.P.S. Did you hear I’m blessed to be sharing the stage with the Big Guy himself… Tony Robbins 🙂 in Toronto September 26, and Ottawa September 27. This is a 1-day event, where I’ll be packing as much value as possible into 45 minutes. 🙂 Use the Special Code: NIURKA to receive $100 Off your tickets.
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I met you 4 years ago. At Agape. You spoke to my heart and felt like they say the rest is history. What a journey to be continued Love you, bless you, support you. Oh.
love it. reminds me of the growling dog in mirrored room story. thanks for sharing