NeoGenesis: Creating Lasting Change at the (CORE) Root-Cause Level

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Are you ready to powerfully transform any circumstance and create empowering meaning? To know with absolute certainty that no matter what shows up in your life you can rise above and transform it into your greatest gifts?


It’s with deep love that I share NeoGenesis (NEO) with you. At NeoGenesis, we create space to transform obstacles into opportunities, challenges into gifts, and limitations into liberation.



This extremely potent, life-changing 4-day accelerated learning experiencwill empower you to BREAKTHROUGH mental and emotional blocks. It will clear your perception, and infuse your life with purpose and meaning in a very short period of time. It will create space within you to attract and embody success in anything you desire!


I know there is a part of you that’s ready to take your life to new heights! To open your door to radical independence, real love, and to powerfully create your life by design! You have the ability to live a life of freedom, joy, creativity, success, fulfillment, and anything else you desire! I am prepared to support you in making this your reality!


To see you authentically living in your purpose and power is why I am here. I AM devoted to be your guide in actualizing the full expression of your gift. Why? Because what you bring is completely unique, and when you embody your infinite potential, our whole world elevates because of YOU! Yes, you are that important!


NEOGENESIS means new beginning!



At NeoGenesis, you will be masterfully guided to create a new beginning in any area of your life that you choose.


If you could wave a magic wand to enrich, improve, and transform one or more areas in your life right now, what would it be?


NEO shows you how to transform your life at the root-cause level. What does that mean? Here’s a metaphor…


If you tend a garden, there will be weeds. It’s essential to pull out the weeds at the root, otherwise the weeds will return. And so it is with your mind.


Transformation is lasting when you learn how to go to the source – the ROOT – of anything blocking you and create change there; and that’s precisely what we accomplish together at NeoGenesis.



At NEO, we’ll uncover the Core Values that have been driving your results up until now. In this clear and present awareness, you’ll transmute disempowering patterns, and align your thoughts, words, and actions with your genuine goals, purpose, and vision.


I’ll personally guide you through one of the most powerful processes in the world, to release repressed negative emotions –  like anger, fear, guilt, sadness – that have been stored deep in your subconscious mind.


The techniques I utilize are the quickest and most effective methods of creating lasting personal change that I know, after years of devout research, study, and practice.


Together, in a safe container, we’ll go back to the root of past traumas that caused you to shut down, run away, or destroy relationships in the past. These subconsciously ingrained patterns coded during the imprinting stages of childhood (before you were 7 years old), in the womb, or even genealogically, will be up for review with your newfound enlightened perspective.


Dark areas in your past will be illuminated in a way that causes blocked energy and negative behaviors to naturally dissolve, so you enjoy the right to live the life you are truly meant to live! You deserve it! This is your inheritance.



Imagine transforming your personal history. Imagine creating your future by design in the NOW, while having fun while doing it! What would that be worth? Priceless.


It only takes one decision to transform your life. Coming to NeoGenesis is a life-changing decision. The conditions of your health, business ventures, finances, relationships, life’s work, spiritual connection, emotional wellbeing, and any other areas you choose are dependent on what you decide.


What empowering decision will you make right now, knowing that your choice in this moment has the power to elevate every area of your existence?


Because I know you’re committed to your growth and evolution, I’m inviting you to join me in Sedona for NeoGenesis. This is an epic journey of Alchemy. There are still a few spots left! You can open your door to freedom! The time is now! You’ll be so grateful you did 😉



Imagine actualizing your dreams with ease in an environment that evokes inspiration and wonder. I’ve intentionally chosen Sedona Mago Retreat as the home of NeoGenesis. With its beautiful red rock formations and swirling vortexes, this sacred land is long known for natural restorative qualities and spiritual awakening. This 163-acre sanctuary is the perfect cocoon to evoke and inspire your most heroic journey of healing, renewal, and apotheosis.


Envision yourself waking up with the stillness of nature – surrounded by trees, flowers, and aromatic herbs. A gentle breeze caresses your body temple as the sun greets you just beyond the majestic mountains during sunrise yoga.



See yourself authentically connecting with new friends. Who you choose to spend time with, and what you feed your mind and body are essential in creating your most magnificent life. Profound and lasting relationships will be made in the classroom and during breaks. You will connect with me and your beloved classmates in community, as we share healthful meals prepared by Mago’s own chef.



Get ready to have fun while learning and transforming!


Together, we will engage in celebrations throughout the course, to honor the remarkable transformations that take place.


There will also be opportunities for you to explore the lake, peacefully enjoy meditation areas, walk the labyrinth, tour the vortex sites, or simply revel in stillness. In the evenings, you can soak and rejuvenate in the jacuzzi under the stars.



If you feel called, trust your intuitive wisdom; take action now, and come with us to NEO.



Here’s to your freedom… Your new beginning… Your NeoGenesis.


To your empowered evolution, and with Supreme LOVE,




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