I’m inspired to share a new dimension of my life. You may have heard that when I purchased my home in Ashland, Oregon it miraculously (and unexpectedly) came with a vineyard of Riesling grapes.
My vineyard, which has the highest elevation of all vineyards in Oregon, recently got pruned after winter.
Check out this new video above. It reveals a rich metaphor for creating a life well lived by understanding the alchemy of transforming grapes into wine.
Each step of the wine-making process – such as pruning – corresponds to an aspect of consciousness that can be nurtured and developed for mastery.
Today we’ll explore the power of pruning, and how pruning your life is part of embodying your infinite potential.
To prepare for your spring, have you pruned and let go of what no longer serves you?
Ask yourself… “If I could prune something out of my life right now, that no longer serves the highest good, what or who would it be?”
We all have “inner seasons,” and spring is an opportunity to clear space for exciting, new beginnings!
To masterfully prune your life, it is essential to observe and reflect. There is great power in contemplation. If you don’t reflect with awareness (on yourself, your results, experiences, and areas of improvement) during Winter’s hibernation, you render yourself powerless when Spring inevitably resumes. And it always resumes! That’s the magic of creation.
That’s why it is essential to “spring clean” and prune your life, removing toxic foods, circumstances and people that no longer serve your higher Self and evolution.
Are you ready to prune your life, and edit out that which is not essential? Are you ready to bring forth your best, and that which you most desire?
Here are 3 tips to support your pruning process:
- Establish healthy boundaries.
Communicate healthy boundaries for yourself and others. Ensure there’s a clear understanding of what works, and what doesn’t, so communication can flow more effortlessly. For example, one of the 1st steps with my vineyard was establishing a fence (i.e. boundaries) to unequivocally let bears and deer know – grapes are off limits, but the rest of the forest is available ; )
- Go deep within; then, prune.
Winter, your indispensable hibernation, is when you store up luscious “nutrients.” Be sure to go within during your winter. Go to the Source of your deepest inspiration and creation. Meditate. Tune in to that which is seeking to bloom within you. Then, prune anyway anything that is not ESSENTIAL.
- Focus on the essential.
More is not always better. When you prune to your core, your creations come alive with originality and meaning. Ask, “How can I tap into the source of my power, within the core of my being, embody it, then present it in a way that brings value, beauty, and makes a difference?”
Pruning raises your quality. Without proper pruning, you may manifest a higher yield, but, it’ll be less excellent. Who wants that? Ultimately, lack of proper pruning leads to cheap wine, which is akin to not understanding the process of life, and thus not extracting the fullness of ALL it has to offer. To live a life of dreams made manifest, it’s essential to go deep to the Source of your inspiration, bring forth your rare gift, then properly prune, and prepare for the next stage of your evolution.
Here’s to your new beginnings….
With Love….
PS… if you want support pruning your life, and creating a New Beginning, check out my most recent NeoGenesis blog on Creating Lasting Change at the Core. You can also check out the blog on NEO Class 6.
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